The second international ISPRS workshop

BenCOS 2007

Towards Benchmarking Automated Calibration, Orientation,
and Surface Reconstruction from Images

Held with IEEE CVPR 2007, Minneapolis, MN, Saturday, June 23, 2007


  ISPRS WG III/1 on Automatic Calibration and Orientation ISPRS WG III/2 on Surface Reconstruction
Ilkka Niini, Oy Mapvision Ltd., Finland
Camillo Ressl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria        
Peter Sturm, INRIA, France
Olaf Hellwich, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Volker Rodehorst, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Daniel Scharstein, Middlebury College, USA


6/29/07 - The best paper award for the BenCOS 2007 workshop goes to the paper Feasibility boundary in dense and semi-dense stereo matching by J. Kostlivá, J. Cech, and R. Sára. Congratulations!

6/27/07 - The Berlin "Shape-from-X" benchmarking test data described in Volker Rodehorst's talk is available here.

5/23/07 - Test data sets for automatic image orientation have been provided by Camillo Ressl. If you are working in the area of image orientation / pose estimation, please try out these data sets and provide feedback by email to Camillo. We will also discuss the results at the panel of the workshop.

Final Program

8:45-  8:55 am   Welcome
8:55-10:10 am   Session 1: Evaluation    (Chair: Daniel Scharstein)
A Comparison of PMD-cameras and stereo-vision for the task of surface reconstruction using patchlets.
   C. Beder, B. Bartczak, and R. Koch.
A benchmarking dataset for performance evaluation of automatic surface reconstruction algorithms.
   A. Bellmann, O. Hellwich, V. Rodehorst, and U. Yilmaz.
Feasibility boundary in dense and semi-dense stereo matching.
   J. Kostlivá, J. Cech, and R. Sára. Best paper award.
10:10-10:30 am   Break
10:30-11:30 am   Plenary talk: Benchmarking in Computer Vision
   Dr. Richard Szeliski, Microsoft Research
11:30-11:40 am   Break
11:40-12:30 pm   Session 2: Orientation / Evaluation    (Chair: Camillo Ressl)
Influence of numerical conditioning on the accuracy of relative orientation.
   S. Segvic, G. Schweighofer, and A. Pinz.
3D pose estimation based on multiple monocular cues.
   B. Barrois and C. Wöhler.
12:30-2:00 pm   Lunch
2:00-2:50 pm   Session 3: Orientation    (Chair: Ilkka Niini)
Image-based localization using hybrid feature correspondences.
   K. Josephson, M. Byröd, F. Kahl, and K. Åström.
Integration of motion cues in optical and sonar video imaging for 3-D positioning.
   S. Negahdaripour, H. Pirsiavash, and H. Sekkati.
2:50-3:10 pm   Break
3:10-4:00 pm   Session 4: Surface reconstruction    (Chair: Volker Rodehorst)
Efficient sampling of disparity space for fast and accurate matching.
   J. Cech and R. Sára.
A quasi-minimal model for paper-like surfaces.
   M. Perriollat and A. Bartoli.
4:00-5:00 pm   Panel

Background and Motivation

The initiative for this workshop comes from two Working Groups of Commission III of the ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing). One major aim of the new Commission III on Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis (led by Wolfgang Förstner and Helmut Mayer) is to bring together researchers from the computer vision and photogrammetry fields. The organizers of this BenCOS workshop are the chairs of two Working Groups within this commission: WG III/1 (on Automatic Calibration and Orientation of Optical Cameras), and WG III/2 (on Surface Reconstruction). Besides being a forum for discussing new scientific results, a major goal of these Working Groups is to establish true benchmarks for the performance evaluation of developed methods. We believe this is a highly important aspect of scientific research; it allows an objective comparison of different approaches, catalyzes new developments, and eases the access of potential commercial users to these research areas and communities.

The goals of this workshop are thus threefold:

  1. To communicate new scientific results in the areas of surface reconstruction, multi-view stereo, camera (self-) calibration, image orientation, and motion/pose estimation;
  2. To bring together researchers from the computer vision and photogrammetry communities; and
  3. To establish benchmarks for orientation and surface reconstruction methods.

We received 11 submissions, of which we were able to accept 9 as oral presentations. All submissions were subject to a double-blind review process by a program committee of leading international researchers of the computer vision and photogrammetry areas. Each paper received at least three reviews, based upon which the program chairs (I. Niini, C. Ressl, D. Scharstein, and P. Sturm) made the acceptance decisions.

The original call for papers is here.

This workshop is the third in a series of events related to the activities of the two Working Groups. The two previous events were:

Program Committee

  • Niclas Börlin, Sweden
  • Andrew Fitzgibbon, UK
  • Wolfgang Förstner, Germany
  • Armin Grün, Switzerland
  • Henrik Haggrén, Finland
  • Janne Heikkilä, Finland
  • Christian Heipke, Germany
  • Heiko Hirschmüller, Germany
  • Karsten Jacobsen, Germany
  • Olli Jokinen, Finland
  • Reinhard Koch, Germany
  • Kyros Kutulakos, Canada
  • Yi Ma, USA
  • Hans-Gerd Maas, Germany
  • Helmut Mayer, Germany
  • Norbert Pfeifer, Austria
  • Marc Pollefeys, USA
  • Fabio Remondino, Switzerland
  • Olga Veksler, Canada
  • Bernhard Wrobel, Germany
We wish to thank the members of the program committee for dedicating their valuable time.