Aloe | Baby1 | Baby2 |
Baby3 | Bowling1 | Bowling2 |
Cloth1 | Cloth2 | Cloth3 |
Cloth4 | Flowerpots | Lampshade1 |
Lampshade2 | Midd1 | Midd2 |
Monopoly | Plastic | Rocks1 |
Rocks2 | Wood1 | Wood2 |
Dataset description
Each dataset consists of 7 views (0..6) taken under three different
illuminations (1..3) and with three different exposures
(0..2). Here's an overview.
Disparity maps are provided for views 1 and 5.
The images are rectified and radial distortion has been removed.
We provide each dataset in three resolutions:
full-size (width: 1240..1396, height: 1110),
half-size (width: 620..698, height: 555), and
third-size (width: 413..465, height: 370).
The files are organized as follows:
{Full,Half,Third}Size/ SCENE/ disp1.png disp5.png dmin.txt Illum{1,2,3}/ Exp{0,1,2}/ exposure_ms.txt view{0-6}.pngThe file "exposure_ms.txt" lists the exposure time in milliseconds. The disparity images relate views 1 and 5. For the full-size images, disparities are represented "as is", i.e., intensity 60 means the disparity is 60. The exception is intensity 0, which means unknown disparity. In the half-size and third-size versions, the intensity values of the disparity maps need to be divided by 2 and 3, respectively. To map the disparities into 3D coordinates, add the value in "dmin.txt" to each disparity value, since the images and disparity maps were cropped. The focal length is 3740 pixels, and the baseline is 160mm. We do not provide any other calibration data. Occlusion maps can be generated by crosschecking the pair of disparity maps.
You can download zip files of the datasets in the following configurations: