MRF Minimization ResultsCode 

Source code for MRF minimization

Here is C++ source code for MRF minimization and all benchmarks. The code in the first 3 files compiles with gcc 4 under linux and cygwin on 64-bit machines. 64-bit code is are assumed by default; edit the Makefile for 32-bit machines.

The code is provided "as is" as a service to the community. It comes with NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, and we cannot provide any help on how to use it beyond the documentation included here. (61K, contents, README.txt) - the MRF library (352K, contents, README.txt) - a stereo matcher frontend calling the MRF libary (339K, contents, README.txt) - a simple image libary (used by mrfstereo) (14M, contents, README.txt) - code for all the benchmarks, including the MRF2.1 library and imageLib


See the README files within each zip file for more information.


You might also be interested in the OpenGM library and/or the FastPD optimization software by Paragios and Komodakis.











Last modified: July 16 2015 by Daniel Scharstein